Rinaldi Convalescent Hospital

16553 Rinaldi St #156, Granada Hills, CA 91344, United States

At Rinaldi Convalescent, our entire therapy team is committed to creating individual therapy programs that directly tend to the specific needs of each patient.

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+1 818-360-1003
Opening Hours:

Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Open 24 hours
Monday: Open 24 hours

Rinaldi Convalescent Hospital Google Reviews

Name: Christopher Neal
Rating: 1
Review: I was promised before moving my mom to this facility that she could use as much portable oxygen as needed. I thought that it sounded too good to be true. After being there a couple of days they only allowed her to use one or two a day. I was told by the doctor and administrator that they want her to be on her concentrator as much as possible and to use a concentrator in the hallway or activity room. What facility have any of you ever seen a concentrator being used by a patient in a hallway?Or activity room. This place has wasted my family's time.
Date: a month ago

Name: Lisa Vatala
Rating: 1
Review: I went to visit my mom and she seemed off. After calling in a nurse assistant to come check her oxygen it was fluctuating from 75-80! I insisted on calling 911 and thank god I did or she would have died that night! She had double pneumonia and a collapsed lung. She has been in the ICU for over a week and just had surgery on her lung. This could have been avoided if she wasn’t neglected by this facility. Physically therapy didn’t come for days knowing she needed assistance out of her bed. The pneumonia worsened due to incompetent staff. My mom is still fighting in the hospital for her life right now. Please do not send your family members here this place should be shut down. She has bed sores all over her bottom and back where she was left in wet diapers all night long while the staff slept, she would clap and try to get nurses attention and they would not come. Her things were stolen on a daily basis. Her makeup bag, nail kit and all the new clothes I purchased for her. absolutely horrible! I’m so glad I went to visit her when I did or she would not be here.
Date: 2 months ago

Name: Bryan Neal
Rating: 1
Review: My mom was transferred into this place briefly. Her care declined dramatically from her previous facility to this one so we rapidly moved her out. The doctors and staff put my mother's life in danger by not providing her with an adequate supply of oxygen.
Date: a month ago

Rating: 1
Review: This place should be shut down. My mom was in there for 3 weeks last fall to rehabilitate before going home to her assisted living community and it was a terrible experience. The lack of care was appalling. She was completely bedridden with a back injury and left in a wet diaper all the time. Unmanaged pain and no doctor care when it became clear she had developed a UTI - I had to yell in the hallway (repeatedly) to get anyone's attention. Her clothes were lost, they never cleaned her dentures and they were molding, they lost her hearing aids and her telephone, and no one ever came when she pushed the call button for help. It smelled like urine all the time. As well, don't try calling them NO ONE WILL EVER answer the phone. Even after complaining to the Director, no one answered the phone.
Date: 4 months ago

Name: Sarah Cave
Rating: 1
Review: This is possibly the worse care my mother ever had. She had a hip replacement done and was sent here for recovery. She ended up getting severe sepsis due to recurring UTIs and unaddressed foley care. There were a handful of exceptions-- a few incredibly open-hearted nurses, PT, and 2 in admin.My mother just passed and I found this sad and disturbing letter regarding the care she was receiving. She recounts a night requesting for her foley catheter to be fixed-- her request for a nurse beginning at 9 pm and not receiving care until 2:45. "I felt like an inconvenience to the nurses" is what she expressed here and what I often felt when I visited almost daily.When I would visit her, she would never tell me how bad it was, but I felt she (and other patients) were overall neglected. They were short-staffed and the ratio of staff who gave 100% effort versus not was skewed.I only hope this apparent new management will truly look into the quality of care offered. The space always depressed me upon entering, and overall it felt most staff are unhappy to be there and patients seemed like a burden. I would never send a loved one here. Please read the hand-written letter from my mother.
Date: 7 months ago

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